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It has begun!

My first 2 posts to encourage people to join my facebook page have already started to get followers! It may not be huge yet, but they will come.

Support a WAHP on facebook is a reasonably new page, from what I can tell, but they put in a HUGE amount of effort into their page and website to promote other people’s Work at Home businesses. I have been very impressed with the amount of effort they put in! http://www.facebook.com/supportawahp

My Facebook Page

I have decided to journal and blog my journey through beginning a blog and brand new facebook page. Let’s see how successful this is going to be. Check out the Facebook progess at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Follow-My-Journey/133247113359140?ref=ts

Hat number 1 – Independent Phoenix Trader

Want this for free?

In my life at the moment I wear many hats. One of those hats is an Independent Phoenix Trader. Unfortunately the name does not give it justice! I never thought I would be involved in a party plan product but I came across Phoenix Trading last year and fell in love with everything that produce. I love it because the cards are beautiful, the wrapping paper gorgeous, the family organisers practical but most of all, the products are REASONABLY PRICED! Yes, I mean it! The cards are only $3 each, gift tags 55c each, family organisers that are magnetised for fridge use and have 52 pages are $12. You can purchase online through my store at www.phoenix-trading.com.au/web/gaylerichardson but if you want discounts and freebies you can host your own “Coffee and Cards”. There are no minimum number of guests, no minimum sales and no pressure.

So if this sounds like you – someone who likes free things and good value then contact me!

Working out how to get traffic

Wow such a great start to blog and updates, not I just have to work out a direction so I can increase traffic to my site. I am very impressed with my cousin’s blog http://buchav.tumblr.com/ that I am determined to make mine as thoughtful and colourful! Thanks Veronica!


I have had a very huge day already. This morning, after waking up at 8.15am (Thank you Laura!), I went to the Family Capers Families in Business coffee and networking event. I love these events as you get to meet like-minded business people. I dragged my friend Helen along, who ended up having a great time to. Then off to my 3 monthly blood test. That didn’t quite go according to plan. I won’t give all the details, but I do have a nasty bruise there now which was not the fault of the phlebotomist. The off to IKEA to grab a $1 hotdog and 50c soft serve.

Here I am now working out how to set up a blog, website, ABN etc to decide what I want to do next with my life.

I am so excited!

How exciting is this! My first entry into my blog. Now all I have to work out is what do i want to achieve from having blog. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!